F0002901 Sanskrit Beta 1469
Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images
Sanskrit Beta 1469: this image is from a Sanskrit manuscript thought to be dated 1469. This manuscript is from the genre of karmavipaka, meaning ìthe ripening of karmaî. It begins with a salutation to the sage Dhanvantari, the traditional author of the original works on Ayurveda, one of the worldís oldest medical systems. It explains the karmic relationship with a given disaster or disease; listing various sinful acts together with a brief statement of the alleged consequences that follow. For example; killing a cow will cause the killer to go to hell and having sex with a priestís wife, the wife of another, a widow, or a prostitute, may lead to diseases such as ring-leprosy, bloody bile, or excessive urination. (?)
c. 1469 (?) Published: –
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