There Is No Time!


非常資深的 Ashtanga 老師 Gregor Maehle(相信練 Ashtanga 一段時日的朋友,大概多少都會翻過 Maehle 老師那兩本 無敵詳盡Ashtanga Yoga: Practice and PhilosophyAshtanga Yoga – The Intermediate Series: Mythology, Anatomy, and Practice),在他的 Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra, Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom 裡是這麼說的:

Some people have invested 30 years of daily practice in asana but in the end have found themselves with nothing but a trim body. Believe it or not, this trim body will, despite all of your asana practice, fail you and go six feet down (or up the chimney depending on your preference). Do not invest all of this this time in nothing but asana: in order to derive any lasting fruit from asana you need to combine it with pranayama and meditation.



我常常和同學開玩笑說,我的體位法看起來算是相當相當遜,不靠牆的手倒立也平衡不了幾秒鐘。不過至少我還知道要時不時提醒自己,不要不留神就掉到無底洞去。不靠牆的手倒立之後,還可以練手倒立加蓮花雙盤,還可以再加上單手倒立,或者兩手跑步比賽。(話說在小說家甘耀明無比魅惑好看到爆表的《殺鬼》裡,真的有兩個優秀青年在山裡比賽兩手跑步。不過我還是寧可 腳踏實地 一點。)

Hatha Yoga Pradipika 的最後一條是這麼說的(英譯出處):

As long as the Prana does not enter and flow in the middle channel and the vindu does not become firm by the control of the movements of the Prana; as long as the mind does not assume the form of Brahma without any effort in contemplation, so long all the talk of knowledge and wisdom is merely the nonsensical babbling of a mad man.

簡單講,如果 prana 還沒辦法進入並且在中脈自由流動的話,只要你的心緒還是沒辦法輕輕鬆鬆就安定靜下來的話,嘴吧裡說再多靈性、修行的字眼,也都只是空喙哺舌罷了。


This is the time
This is the time
This is the time
Because there is no time


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