





是不是叫站椿一點都不重要,有沒有完全依循某一派的操作手法也不重要。重要的是,每個人都可以參照這樣的原則來練習各種動作,讓身體自然調節到輕鬆的狀態,而完成各種真正想做的行動。這就是我在「平常動作」(Fundamental How-tos)的課程裡想要和大家一起練習的內容。

在構思「平常動作」課程的過程,正好費登奎斯(M. Feldenkrais)The Potent Self 的中譯本《成為有能的人》出版上市,很快又重讀一遍。這一次問題意識很強烈,讀著讀著,不時拍案叫絕,真是遇到知音啊(往自己臉上貼金嗎?XD)。費登奎斯這一段「理想的站姿」簡直就可以直接拿來當站椿的指導原則,所以特別抄下來和大家分享:

如果在站立的動作中,消除所有大腦皮質區域的神經衝動造成的肌肉收縮(這個部分在生理上是由意志控制的 — 也就是不去管我們是否覺察到送出製造肌肉收縮的命令,也不管我們是否完全不知道其來源),身體就會維持在張力收縮的直立姿勢 ,這是骨骼、肌肉與神經系統的張力收縮器官經過演化適應而產生的姿勢。

We now reached a point of capital importance in the understanding of acture or posture. Namely, if in the act of standing we eliminate all contraction due to impulses from the cortical areas (such as are subject to volition in the physiological sense — that is, with no concern as to whether we are aware of issuing the order producing the contraction or whether its origin is entirely unknown to us) the body will be held in the tonically erect posture that the evolutionary adaptation of the skeleton, muscles, and the tonic apparatus of the nervous system has produced.
This unexpected conclusion can be substantiated by making any person aware of his or her body in space, of habitual contractions that have become second nature, of skeletal configuration, and in general by reeducating the kinesthetic sense. With each appreciation and correction of the voluntarily controllable muscles and joints, and with the ensuing ability not to do the particular acts of which in the past we were unaware, the body increase in length, the stature becomes more erect, and the joints, spine, and head tend toward the ideal configuration. The body feels lighter and lighter until on feels as if one were walking on air.
The ideal standing posture is obtained not by doing something to oneself, but by literally doing nothing, that is, by eliminating all acts of voluntary origin due to motivations other than standing that have become automatic and are now part and parcel of the person acture of the situation of standing. (The Potent Self: A Guide to Spontaneity, Published by The Feldenkrais Institute, 1985, p118)